Comments for Growing With Plants Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Sat, 09 Nov 2024 20:21:57 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Re-Thinking Scented Violets by Kent Russell Sat, 09 Nov 2024 20:21:57 +0000 I remember the scent of the traditional violets sold in bouquets in France when I was boy. Heavenly

Comment on A Comprehensive review of all the wrong ways to grow Salpiglossis found on the Internet. by Allicia Wed, 28 Dec 2022 00:43:09 +0000 Super curious about chelated iron suggestion. It looks like this is not organic? Is it enough of a boost to just use iron or a natural amendment? I had great plants in 2021 and I’m kicking myself for not taking better notes!

thank you for sharing so much!!

Comment on Growing Annual Vines in Pots by admin Matt Tue, 08 Nov 2022 22:01:55 +0000 In reply to catherine roth.

This is so funny (and true!). An excellent example of what can happen when playing with vines. I once had some seeds for a rare Cobaea vine (I think I wrote about it about 6 posts ago), which literally took over our house, shutting out windows and even the porch door. That thing was a beast! My Cardinal Climber does get out of hand even with the 5 or 6 foot canes, but I just try to wrap the growth (once it reaches the top) around the entire teepee, but eventually cut them off. Thankfully, it does bloom on lower emerging growth. Of course, all of these vines are best grown on netting (such as when I plant them along the greenhouse) where they can scramble up 16 feet or higher. I sometimes grow morning glories or moonflowers on our gourd tunnel as well, and they race up to the 12′ mark, flattening out over the roof of the trellis, where they finally start to think about blooming. That’s when you really get a load of flowers. They certainly know what they want. When we try to grow them in containers, they seem to know that its unnatural, and rarely perform as nicely as they do with a free run. Like you, Im enjoying many of them trained around windows, though. It’s especially fun to see the hummingbirds come right up to the glass.

Comment on Growing Annual Vines in Pots by admin Matt Tue, 08 Nov 2022 21:56:02 +0000 In reply to Kathy Kling.

Oh thanks, I appreciate the support. I’m getting more familiar with WordPress now that I switched to blog over from Google. It’s been a huge learning curve.

Comment on Growing Annual Vines in Pots by admin Matt Tue, 08 Nov 2022 21:55:03 +0000 In reply to Bosco.

I can’t say that I have a whole lot of experience with Passiflora, but I do grow a few different ones every year. I would say to first find out what species you have, as some are true warm-weather tropicals, and others able to withstand colder temperatures. Most do well in temperate zone like Zone 5 in the summer, blooming late in the season, but as a cool greenhouse plants, I am not certain what the limitors might be. Is it planted in the ground or in a pot? And, how hot does your greenhouse get in summer? I would check the light requirements as well, as I discovered that my vines never bloomed when I used shade cloth (60%), but they did bloom with 40% shade cloth. There are just a lot of variables. Red flowered forms, I believe like warmer summer temperatures and prefer to grow under glass, blooming in summer. It’s a big genus, so plenty of diverisity. This year I grew the yellow flowered one (from Logees), P. x citrina, which is a hybrid but which bloomed well all summer. Most, of the tropical species however prefer not do drop below 50° F. Cool growing, marginally hardy ones can drop to 40 without loosing vigor. The best advice I can provide you is to first see if you know the name of the hybrid or the species you have, and start from there. Looking for minimum temperature requirements, and height. Also, check to see if your greenhouse has double pane glazing as sometimes that reduces or eliminates UV light. I know, as with Acacia trees, this can inhibit blooming.

Comment on Growing Annual Vines in Pots by Bosco Tue, 08 Nov 2022 19:52:11 +0000 How about Passion Flower? I am trying to grow it in my cool greenhouse, but so far no blooms.

Comment on Growing Annual Vines in Pots by Kathy Kling Tue, 08 Nov 2022 19:40:18 +0000 I am so glad you have started posting again – love your enthusiasm and garden science.

Comment on Growing Annual Vines in Pots by catherine roth Tue, 08 Nov 2022 19:09:38 +0000 This was interesting to me as I also have been trying annual vines in pots.
Last spring I grew Cardinal climber in a 14”pot
With a 2 1/2 foot wire tuteur.
It quickly overwhelmed the wire structure.
I put a 5 foot cane inside, and it climbed right up.
I then tied a piece of twine from the cane tip to the gutter on my single story house. The vine made it to the gutter in a flash.
Needing something else for it to climb, I found an old rusty wine barrel hoop and hung it from the eave.
I unhooked it from the eave, and took the entire vine on the twine and looped it around the hoop and hung it dead center over my kitchen sink window. The vine continued to grow as I kept looping it around.
The effect was fabulous, I had a neatly framed, round portal view of my perennial flower bed through the hoop and the red flowers attracted hummingbirds right to my window. And in the fall the leaves become beautifully bronzey purple.
Will repeat again next year. Maybe in both kitchen windows.

Comment on A Comprehensive review of all the wrong ways to grow Salpiglossis found on the Internet. by admin Matt Tue, 18 Oct 2022 00:11:04 +0000 In reply to Mary B..

Helen is just the best, isn’t she? Plus, it’s about the only place where you can find most of these plants that I talk about (the rare annuals). Walker Farm near her, also often carries good annuals like salpiglossis. I highly reccomend them.

Comment on My Surprising Nicotiana Trial Results by Inger Knudsen Sat, 15 Oct 2022 12:11:44 +0000 I bought your vegetable book a few years back. I am studying it every year as it is so well researched, just like this article on Nicotiana I got a selection of Nicotiana from Select seeds They are now all pinkish white 4 years after the initial seeding Maybe I will start again with your blog’s help Thank you
