The Busy weekend and To Do Lists. April 30, 2006 If I was to make a to-do list, for any weekend in May, it would most likely be ten feet long. There just isnt… Continue Reading
Finally…rain April 26, 2006 After one of the dryest springs ever, we finally recieved two inches of cold rain this week. It allowed to me replant some of… Continue Reading
Gentian-izing and Bitterroots April 23, 2006 Last June, while botanizing in the Italian Alps, the mountain range known as the Dolomites in Northern Italy, within the Italian Alps, I became… Continue Reading
Pleaching Hornbeams April 21, 2006 This week I pruned the pleached Hornbeam hedge along the stone walk that leads out to the woods behind the house. I also decided… Continue Reading
Troughs and trays April 19, 2006 Last year, I hiked the alpine trails in the Italian Dolomites, there, the alpine meadows we’re spotted with a number of species of Blue… Continue Reading
High Alpine Primula marginata April 19, 2006 Primula marginata are primroses that you will not find at a garden center. They must by ordered from an alpine plant catalog, or grown… Continue Reading
Of Peeps and Peepers…. April 14, 2006 The connection between Easter and the spring equinox is similar to the relationship between Christmas and the winter solstice – early Christians combined the… Continue Reading
Precious and Few: Auricula April 14, 2006 The above gold centered form of a seedling which I started is not acceptable since it doesn’t meet show standards for exhibition, since it… Continue Reading
Primula auricula season April 12, 2006 Primroses come in many shapes and forms, with hundreds of species with alpine primula that generally bloom at the first hint of snow-melt to… Continue Reading
Forcing Iris bucharica April 12, 2006 Iris bucharica Still in the greenhouse, the last of the potted Juno iris to bloom this year is this native Iris from Afganistan, Iris… Continue Reading