Zephyranthes- Rain Lilies August 19, 2006 Zephyranthes ‘Labuffarosa’ I never intended on collecting Zephyranthes, to be honest, one comes across them in many specialty bulb catalogs, and even sometimes in… Continue Reading
Madagascar Summer August 16, 2006 Uncarina grandidieri has 3″ wide flowers Caudex or Caudiciform plants are perhaps the strangest plants which are collected by enthusiasts. What often look like… Continue Reading
Oh… whoa… whoa… it’s magic, (I know) August 11, 2006 Around the world Epyphyllum oxypetalum bloom precisely during the full moon of summer HAWAII, HONOLULU, SEPTEMBER 1981……. I attending college in Hawaii. (yeah, I… Continue Reading
GARDEN TRENDS: Hello Japan 1 August 9, 2006 The Samurai Orchid, Neofinetia falcata Gardening and collecting plants is an experiencce which is so deeply personal to each of us, often rooted just… Continue Reading
Brugmansia Fragrance August 7, 2006 Brugmansia cultivars love the heat and humidity A week ago today, the buds on this yellow Brugmansia were only an inch ,ong or so,… Continue Reading
Staying Cool with Stylish White August 4, 2006 Gardenia blossoms smell better in the moist summer air If gardenias were wine, connoisseurs would advise that to appreciate the deep, rich, complexity of… Continue Reading
Summer Variegation July 31, 2006 July variegation ranges from stripes, to spots Stong and violent thunderstorms blew through our garden last evening, drenching the plants with natures Gatorade. These… Continue Reading
Repotting dormant bulbs: Bulbous Oxalis July 29, 2006 The rarer and slow growing Bulbous Oxalis species perform best when repotted in the summer while they are dormant. The highly collectable bulbous Oxalis… Continue Reading
Easy Gentians for beginers July 27, 2006 The easy Gentiana daurica is available at many garden centers If you are looking for that clear, gentian blue color, then you really must… Continue Reading
Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. Katherinae July 24, 2006 This Scadoxus was once known as Haemanthus Once classified by taxonomists as Haemanthus katernae, the re-classified Scadoxus multiflorus subspecies Katherinae is more commonly known… Continue Reading