Lachenalia aloides var. aloides
Sparaxis elegans
Moraea pritzeliana
Romulea ‘Nightshays form”
Romulea australis
Romulua minutiflora
Sand bed in greenhouse with Cape Bulbs
Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse.
Finaly I got courage to coment here in your blog. I must congratulate you for the excelent information you have here.
I’m an enthusiastic of the bulbous plants and last year I’ve started to cultivate them from seed.
Some sucess, some failures, but always learning.
And I think I found one great place to learn.
Hi There,
Very interesting site – thanks for all the sharing. I live in Cape Town in the western cape and have started growing cape bulbs from seed. Very exciting stuff! So many species!