Comments on: A June Gardening To-Do List Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 21:22:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Mattus Mon, 19 Jun 2017 21:50:06 +0000 #comment-261 In reply to Indie.

Thanks Indie! The way I see it – the faster the old annuals come out, the quicker new ones can be enjoyed. I get bored easily anyway~

By: Matt Mattus Mon, 19 Jun 2017 21:49:14 +0000 #comment-260 In reply to Anonymous.

I know, right? I was at the Botanic Garden when someone pointed it out – laughing as they showed me the link on their smart phone. It was funny, but scary at the same time. I really don't know what they were thinking about – maybe they felt that they would get advertising money or page-hits? Anyway, it made me feel a bit like a Kardashian!

By: Anonymous Mon, 19 Jun 2017 03:44:22 +0000 #comment-259 dear matt,
a certain something was missing: the fake Growing with Plants was a hilarious but crass parody of you!
your planters with the deep colors are always intense and riveting. i kind of like 'Vancouver Centennial' pélargoniums with nasturtiums to keep my eyeballs alive; maybe you could breed a nasturtium with leather colored leaves–no green–as a challenge?
all best,
~ 02568

By: Lana // Blog Author Fri, 16 Jun 2017 03:26:57 +0000 #comment-258 Beautiful photos! I grow on a tiny patio, and envy your space!

By: Indie Thu, 15 Jun 2017 18:01:37 +0000 #comment-257 What gorgeous peonies! And such a stunning buddleia! There's always too much to do and not enough time to do it this time of year. I can't stand to get rid of healthy looking annuals either. I replanted my pansies in some spare room along the walkway in my shade garden, where they will hopefully keep going for awhile. Good luck on all your book and magazine endeavors – very exciting!
