Comments on: Cabin Fever Relief Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 21:25:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: lafosse-john Mon, 27 Mar 2017 06:16:51 +0000 #comment-395 Iris reticulata 'Pauline' is stunning….need I say more.

By: Wendy C Thu, 16 Mar 2017 17:48:46 +0000 #comment-394 Hi Matt, Have never left a comment, guess it is high time to do it, just to tell you how appreciative I am of you sharing your wonderful adventures. I am a gardener, paid and otherwise, and love it all. I am totally jealous of your greenhouse, I have an unheated one with heated beds at work, so I can still push the envelope, and also have lots of south facing windows at home, so can have a bit of fun there. I really enjoy seeing the multitude of plants that you grow and use, and the history and back stories that you write about, it's all so very interesting. Your writing style is very good, yeah, about a little proof-reading, and wonderful photographs. I thoroughly enjoy your blog. Good luck with your new life endeavours!
Wendy C

By: Unknown Thu, 02 Mar 2017 23:19:59 +0000 #comment-393 Hello Matt, Love your website and pictures. I would be interested in adopting Bob if he remains available.

By: Anonymous Thu, 02 Mar 2017 15:42:42 +0000 #comment-392 Please don't worry about your writing 'style' – you have a good strong direct voice which I for one really enjoy. I am even willing to give you a pass on the proofing, if that means you'll keep up with regular posting. Thank you for these gorgeous photos. So pleased to see Margaret Davis in there – I just bought one from London's Columbia Road Market. The English seem to consider camellias rather old fashioned but I spend half the year in Tokyo so cannot imagine a garden without one. I only wish I had room for the full camellia hedge one sees all over Japan.

By: john in cranston Thu, 02 Mar 2017 06:25:24 +0000 #comment-391 In reply to Unknown.

I too read "blond" and wondered, "what is the color of the show worthy breed?". Hilarious

By: Ali Wed, 01 Mar 2017 21:38:54 +0000 #comment-390 Those irises are absolutely beautiful. I am probably depriving myself, but I've been too afraid to move into planting bulbs. To be honest, I just don't "get" them yet.

And as for your writing style – I love the casual approach. It's more fun and personal when you just get let it flow.

By: Unknown Wed, 01 Mar 2017 19:41:14 +0000 #comment-389 Hey Matt!
First of all, I love your photos! They're all so vibrant. It looks like you have some kind of greenhouse from what I can tell. Is that true? I'm impressed with your ability to keep those plants alive despite the winter! I struggle to keep my simple ferns and succulents alive yearlong, they prevail but my plant tending skills are elementary. I'm sure if I keep to it I'll get better. You seem to know your stuff, keep at it! Have a nice day.

By: Matt Mattus Wed, 01 Mar 2017 09:23:44 +0000 #comment-388 In reply to Anonymous.

Bob can snoop-out potato chips and oreos,not to mention find and catch ducks, so rabbits are not out of the question. A good bonus is that he can't see squirrels at the bird feeders, and he's friends with the mail man, so he's quiet indoors. Irish Terriers? No so much.

By: Matt Mattus Wed, 01 Mar 2017 09:21:49 +0000 #comment-387 In reply to Keith.

Nostalgia is so powerful, isn't it Keith? Fragrance, memories and plants. I sometimes struggle with my memories of New England and Hawaii, but I love snow too much!

By: Matt Mattus Wed, 01 Mar 2017 09:20:44 +0000 #comment-386 In reply to Unknown.

Hmm. Blond dogs do have their issues too. Almost too good to not correct, I think! Thanks so much!
