Comments on: February Flora Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 21:35:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Sun, 07 Feb 2016 03:19:48 +0000 #comment-843 Hi Matt, I have an off topic question. How did you make out with the Delphinium elatum F1 Hybrid New Millennium 'Blue Lace' seeds you purchased last year? I'm looking at getting some, but wanted to see how you made out. I enjoy your blog and learn so much. Thank You! Ann

By: jdub Sat, 06 Feb 2016 09:10:39 +0000 #comment-842 I love that image from inside your greenhouse looking out to the snow! How wonderful it must feel to be the caretaker of all that beauty. Thanks for sharing.

By: Jordan Thu, 04 Feb 2016 21:10:23 +0000 #comment-841 Gorgeous! Always great to see some color out there after winter. Thanks for sharing this.

By: Michelle Thu, 04 Feb 2016 16:42:42 +0000 #comment-840 Such a lovely set of flowers! Would love to be able to go into my greenhouse and see all this livery.

Michelle – Landscapia

By: Nic Wed, 03 Feb 2016 06:54:17 +0000 #comment-839 Such lovely blooms! And a night-scented Tulbaghia? Cool!

By: Helen Wed, 03 Feb 2016 02:43:14 +0000 #comment-838 In reply to Helen.

Thank you, I did not know about those sources. I bought the seeds from Chiltern, and got my information from the Cyclamen society. Now I know to plant them a little deeper.

By: Anonymous Wed, 03 Feb 2016 01:16:49 +0000 #comment-837 You are so lucky to be able to go out to your greenhouse and have all of those wonderful flowers. Thanks for sharing.

By: Anonymous Wed, 03 Feb 2016 00:10:37 +0000 #comment-836 dear matt

thank you for the photos of what is happening in your greenhouse. yum.
too many cyclamen NOT! wish i was a more exacting gardener and could be trusted with seed of rarer forms, but i am too offhand and negligent. one red mini florist's cyclamen from the supermarket has been a champ at seeding itself around in my 'winter garden' for years, but i cannot claim any credit; i just pot them up when i find them!
was at logee's last week looking for citrus and camellias and found things fairly well picked over, credit for which must be due in part to your enthusiastic support!
a friend alerted me some time back that seneca hills nursery would be closing, and luckily i was able to buy a small but nice collection of hardy forms with lovely leaf patterns from her. they are all doing well outside under big oaks, with one hederifolium in particular seeding itself thickly. as you say, thank you, ants!

all best,
~ 02568

By: Matt Mattus Tue, 02 Feb 2016 23:13:52 +0000 #comment-835 In reply to Helen.

Thanks Helen. I grow most of the species, but have little experience raising them from seed, aside from C. purpurescens, C. graecum, C. Persicum and of course, C. herderifolium. I would suggest checking out the Scottish Rock Gardening Club website and Ian Young's Bulblog, or John Lonsdale's website, Edgewood Gardens. Both Ian and John supplied much of my knowledge bank, as well as seed from the SRGC and NARGS. John sells plants as well. You may already know about all of these sources of course, but if not, they are the premier destinations for cyclamen enthusiasts. I have not had much luck in raising C. intaminatum or C. rohlfsianum from seed, but perhaps the seed was old. Fresh seed would be best, and I rarely get seed set on those two species.

By: Helen Tue, 02 Feb 2016 10:42:32 +0000 #comment-834 How nice that you're also a cyclamen enthusiast! I just started seeds of C. purpurascens, intaminatum, and rohlfsianum. Any tips for germination and growing on of those?
