Comments on: ROCK GARDENING SOCIETIES – BEYOND ROCKS – A SPECIAL GIVEAWAY Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 21:42:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: A. Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:11:12 +0000 #comment-1262 This journal looks wonderful.

By: Anonymous Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:53:09 +0000 #comment-1261 Great article Matt. I have considered joining NARGS for a while, and your article motivated me to join. I am a big fan of the Pacific Bulb Society, and hope I get as much out of NARGS as I do the PBS. You need a Seattle trip soon. I will take you to all the great spots! Maybe even Kelly and Sue at Far Reaches can schedule a talk from you. Mark from Seattle

By: Alicia Whitaker Mon, 27 Apr 2015 03:53:34 +0000 #comment-1260 Matt, Abbie Zabar introduced me to your blog and to McNARGS! My first meeting was on a brutal February night – Alpine in a bad way – but the lecture and company were great. A week or so later I met great people from the Delaware chapter who had an excellent instructive booth at the Philadelphia Flower Show. Your post prompts me to join NARGS. Wish the membership included a cool greenhouse like yours…keep writing!

By: Keith Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:05:07 +0000 #comment-1259 Very good article, both the Bulb Log and the International Rock Gardner I have bookmarked and now I have a couple more sites to peruse. Was dinosaur poop a euphemism? I have made some troughs that came out poorly, but it is easy and fun to try different aggregates, colors and forms.

By: Matt Mattus Sat, 25 Apr 2015 02:00:20 +0000 #comment-1258 In reply to Unknown.

Thanks Cliff, means a lot coming from you.

By: Matt Mattus Sat, 25 Apr 2015 01:59:43 +0000 #comment-1257 In reply to Unknown.

Can you believe that I've never been to Stonecrop? They always have their plant sale the week before our national primrose show, so we are too busy cleaning the house and the garden. As for fisheye – you know, I bought that lens a few years ago to use only for extreme closeups as it is a very good Nikon lens, but it's so small and handy, that it fits in my bag when I travel. I know that it can get overwhelming – if I crop out the sides it's much better, but the blue sky and colors are so good ( I wish I could afford more good lenses!) that I like to use it for important plant shots as the color is practically perfect. I will exercise restraint for you.

By: Matt Mattus Sat, 25 Apr 2015 01:00:46 +0000 #comment-1256 In reply to Anonymous.

Three hours! That's dedication. I mean, I've never driven 3 hours just for plants…, wait a minuite. Right. So happy you went! I almost drove to the meeting, as the speaker sounded so interesting, but I just couldn't get away from the first warmish day in the garden.

By: Matt Mattus Sat, 25 Apr 2015 00:59:25 +0000 #comment-1255 In reply to Susan in the Pink Hat.

Susan, that's incredible – I am so glad that you joined! Almost everyone I bring to a meeting ends up joining – l like to think of it as college recruitment!

By: Susan in the Pink Hat Fri, 24 Apr 2015 23:50:42 +0000 #comment-1254 In reply to Anonymous.

To through my two cents into this, being new to rock gardening myself, I found that they are easier to grow than the perennials, annuals, and veg I slave over all the time. Being a mother of five, yes FIVE, time is at a premium, and rock gardening has fit the bill. Also, having grown plants from seed on myself, transplanting them out, and having them survive and thrive gives you such confidence as a gardener. That being said, NARGS members are incredibly generous, at least where I live. I once walked away from a local gardener's home with $500 worth of plants, with a typed list telling me about each plant and growing and siting instructions. Awesome plants from awesome people.

By: Susan in the Pink Hat Fri, 24 Apr 2015 23:44:42 +0000 #comment-1253 I joined NARGS a few years ago, largely based on your recommendation, btw. That being said, it has been one of the most satisfying of the groups to belong to. Plants aside, I actually prefer to be a member because of the people who are some of the warmest and most generous people I know. I'm going on a rock garden tour tomorrow in fact. This most recent issue of the quarterly was awesome. I'm a bit obsessed with Bhutan, so the article on the country was awesome. If we could get an article on The flora around Lake Biakal, my travel obsession list would be complete!
