Comments on: SENSIBLE SEED SAVING Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 21:56:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sat, 12 Mar 2016 21:39:30 +0000 #comment-2154 I save seeds primarily as a way to ensure that a variety I favor will be available to me in the following years, as well as to develop new varieties that are productive for my garden and are better matched to my interests.

The single-serving melons I've been breeding are doing very well in my short-season garden. The carrots I've been breeding are more productive and healthy than those from the seed I purchased to start with. The tomatoes I've been breeding have better flavor (to our specific tastes) than varieties we can find in markets, as well as increased production over many commercial varieties in my gardens.

I think anyone who is growing crops (at some moderate to high level) should be saving seeds, mainly so that their motivations/interests will be involved in the evolution of those crops. If we rely [exclusively] on market breeders, we get tasteless and hard tomatoes (or tasteless strawberries, or unscented roses, etc.) because it is only the market breeders' motivations that are guiding the evolution of the crops.

I acknowledge that seed saving isn't for everyone. If someone is only growing a plant or two a year, breeding and selection will likely be outside their capacity.

By: Anonymous Mon, 27 Oct 2014 04:53:55 +0000 #comment-2153 I save seeds because I like to. Some do well and some don't. Some languish in the back of the seed box and never get planted, others sustain me year after year. I save seeds for the same reasons that I cook from scratch and walk to work (sometimes) and mend my clothes and knit my socks. There are good and bad aspects to all of these activities, but they make me happy, overall, so I do them.

Just saying,
Ellen in Conn.

By: Matt Mattus Sun, 23 Feb 2014 09:57:10 +0000 #comment-2152 In reply to Rachel.

Hi Rachel,
I know sometimes I get on my soapbox, and I'l; be the first one to admit that I forget that there are people out there who need to save seeds, as yes, seeds and gardening can be expensive, but look – first, relax a little, I didn't mean to sound arrogant, yet I know sometimes I do……but your comment is exactly the sort of position I take great concern over – it even frightens me, because you are the perfect example of someone who should really be more serious about the food you raise. Rachel, you say that you know the ' it's a travisty' that you are raising apple seedlings with the goal that you will someday feed your family with those trees, yet you admit that you know that they will produce highly inferior fruit? I'm confused. Remember, I was raised in a home where we had little money, and my parents raised most of our own food, canning most everything from meat to corn 6 different ways, often hundreds of quarts. It is what my grandparents did too, and if there is one thing I learned from this heritage, is to not save seeds of most vegetables, we saved only those heirloom tomatoes which produced better fruit,, or had good flavor, and everything else, used fresh seed of disease resistant varieties. Look, if you are saving heirloom seed, or better yet, seed which is open pollinated, then you are all set. But I will add that if you are serious about feeding your family from your garden year round, then paying a few extra cents for a high producing hybrid that is more disease resistant, seems to make more sense. How are you preserving your harvest? I use the principal of Luther Burbank, and perhaps my grandfather, both born in the 1800's – a time when farmers knew that some varieties of squash or beans produced more than others – my best advice is for you to keep a record of what your are growing, and what you are harvesting. If you are successfully feeding your family from your garden already, then we don't need to have this discussion. If you would like some ideas, even sources for inexpensive or free fruit trees or plants, maybe I can help you source them – divisions from your county agricultural station, cutting to graft from local orchards, plant societies in your area, etc. Feel free to write me personally, as I think your post has inspired me to see if I can share more info for people on tight budgets with a family.

By: Rachel Sun, 23 Feb 2014 07:31:17 +0000 #comment-2151 I so appreciate all the information that you have supplied on your site….I've have learn much in just the last hour of reading. I do have to defend the seed savers, however, that you so scathingly obliterated–for I am one of them. I and my other close friend who went in together to buy heirloom seeds this year do not garden for fun (although it is a great love of mine) she and I garden to feed our families. Both of us are stay at home, homeschooling mother's whose family income is less than $19,000 a year. Yes, I have an avocado in my bathroom, a year now…at a foot and a half. I have (a travesty, I know) apple seeds and pomegranates germinating as well. I know I probably won't get avocadoes for 5 or more years, apples—crab apples most-likely….if anything. I'm not doing any of this for the curiosity. I'm doing it because I can't afford to buy these plants and sometimes I can't afford to buy the fruits for my children to enjoy. I understand your arguments, but please, some your comments came across as arrogant. Yes, saving a rare plant in a remote place can be historically and/or medically important; however, I am trying to save my family. I'm not without some means, but saving my seeds for next year might be my only means. I just pray I can do it right.

By: jmakley Fri, 06 Dec 2013 18:41:02 +0000 #comment-2150 Not sure what you read Matt but it certainly stirred you up enough to get up on the soap box a little bit. I agree with you about there are many myths being propagated out there leading to bad horticulture; however, the story of supplying an ever growing human population with food is, these days, more driven by the pursuit of market share rather than the common good. As you say the issue is very complex, and given the size of the players individual efforts to effect it are negligible. I say do it anyways. Not just because I enjoy jousting with windmills but also because of what all gardeners know: from little things big things grow.

By: Nic Mon, 02 Dec 2013 04:37:12 +0000 #comment-2149 Just yesterday collected handfuls of Asclepias tuberosa seeds in my garden here in Michigan. Both it and Asclepias incarnata have thankfully been self-seeding and spreading in this garden from the original three plants set out three years ago but I think the perennial beds in the front yard of my new building in Cambridge also desperately need some. As for tall marigolds, Tagetes erecta 'Flagstaff' is my favorite, though I have never tried growing it from seed from my own plants, so I have no idea if it would come true from seed.

By: Matt Mattus Mon, 02 Dec 2013 01:48:02 +0000 #comment-2148 In reply to Rachelle.

Hi Rachelle, It sounds like you know what you are doing. Keep at it, I am so fascinated about the F1 pepper….I wonder if any other reader has discovered that with theirs? I should have added that I do prefer seed and varieties that have been grown or bred in northern climates, such as those from Johnny's Selected Seeds, at least for me, I have noticed better performance with some of the shorter season selections. Thanks for commenting!

By: Rachelle Sun, 01 Dec 2013 23:27:29 +0000 #comment-2147 I have started saving some of my veggie seeds with a thought to developing a bit of local provenance because I live in an area with extremes in climate and sometime a difficult germination climate. Surprisingly, I have found the seed saved originally from the best F1 California Wonder peppers has gotten better each year over the last 3 years. The heirloom Early Glow sweet corn (I think that was the name) which was an heirloom and would germinate in cold, wet springs (typically not good corn germinating weather) unfortunately crossed with not that nearby field corn and tasted very starchy. Saving heirloom tomatoes has worked well. The cape gooseberries and tomatillos, let's say I don't have to worry about saving seed, only thinning out to the most robust plants growing where I would like them. Saving heirloom beans has worked well, too. Saving just a few of our favorite has resulted in cutting the seed we purchase to the biennials like cole crops, carrots, and salad mixes. Hopefully as the provenance develops the tomatoes and peppers selected will be very dependable in an area where a short, and sometimes cool growing season can result in no crop of either of these staples.
