The genus is broad and the newest hybrids, exotic spider flowered ‘cybister’ types, dwarf miniatures and curious rare species can be so incredibly interesting, that getting bored is hardly an option. For me, who comes from a time when there was only 5 forms available, todays wide selection can only mean that the amaryllis is becoming more and more interesting each and every year. After all, amaryllis really deliver on all fronts, except perhaps fragrance. It really all comes down to finding the best varieties, and growing them in the best manner. So I will share my amaryllis secrets ( and even a few personal gripes) with you.
Click below for more:

they ARE that easy to grow, but they are not completely fool proof, and like anything when it
comes to plants, there are some essential facts one must know if one intends to master these delightful plants.
Flower Farm ( they have the largest bulbs and although they are expensive, I find them worth
the cost). I also buy some from my local supermarket, don’t worry. Most every amaryllis bulb will bloom
2. Grow them like a big boy ( or big girl) – that means no vases
with stones, no jars, canning jars with coir, no bulb vases – there is a reason
why they stopped making them in 1608). Bulb forcing jars are great for many Dutch bulbs such as hyacinths and crocus, but I personally don’t like to use them for amaryllis. If you just love the look of amaryllis in a glass vase with gravel, then use a tall vase or vessel, and place the bulb in the bottom of the container, so that they sides of the vessel can hold the tall stems erect.
3. No matter what other blogs may tell you, amaryllis are not that easy to rebloom. I applaud all efforts that go into keeping a bulb through the year, but I find it difficult to justify the care, and the space. I give you permission to throw your bulbs away when you are done.
I am just being realistic. Read on,
and you’ll see why.

wee kid, purchasing a large, fat bulb with the bud just emerging from a local hardware
store (Spags – as in “No Bags at Spags”). Thanks to my who had a strict limit as to how much I was allowed to spend on Mallocups and Dutch bulbs, I could somehow afford to add a couple of amaryllis bulbs into my allotment. This idea of a parent allowing me to spend my
allowance on paperwhites, baseball
cards, amaryllis and Hot Wheels – not always in that order. You guessed it, I
was not your ‘normal’ kid. Unless you consider weaving potholders and saving
your own radish seeds as an expression of ‘normal’.
amaryllis with the Holiday season, but the truth is, this is a bit early for
most amaryllis bulbs being forced into bloom in the Northern hemisphere, as
most need 10-14 weeks to emerge and bloom, often in late January or
February. Christmas blooming
amaryllis is actually a newer trend, which is why you may be noticing some bulb
catalogs separating Christmas-blooming varieties from regular named varieties.
The bulbs sold as Christmas blooming, are generally ( or should be) those bulbs
that have been grown in the most southerly part of Earths Southern
Hemisphere ( mainly Peru, Chile and South Africa), and indeed, these are ones best chance in getting an amaryllis that will bloom in time for Christmas.
Thanksgiving will not guarantee that you will have flowers by the New Year. One must be certain that the bulbs purchased came from a reliable source,
and one which ensures that the bulbs have been properly grown in the most southerly
party of the southern hemisphere as these are the bulbs that are most likely to
bloom for Christmas.
least if you just want it to bloom. It really doesn’t matter on the price or
size, or where it came from, as the flowerbuds have already been formed deep inside
the bulb, and it is essentially preprogrammed to grow, ( even the term
‘forcing’ isn’t really right in this case, but OK, I’ll let it slide), and unless
they have been exposed to freezing temperatures, there is often no stopping an
eager amaryllis from blooming, ( you know, those sad, twisted white stems
emerging from the bulbs at Home Depot). They are dumb easy.
The Importance of Amaryllis Bulb Size
cost, in most cases. You get what you pay for with amaryllis. All amaryllis are
sold by centimeter ( look for 30
cm to 40cm bulbs if you want the promise of more than one stem from a bulb).
This is why I suggest White Flower Farm as your retail source ( there are other
sites that offer large bulbs, but then one must factor in variety, and WWF
offers an enormous selection of new varieties not found elsewhere). They are my
favorite sources for Amaryllis ( again, I have never been paid by them, nor
even talked to anyone there, I just like their sources, their buyers taste, and
the selection they offer – plus, I have had excellent success with them).
stems, which can make a $35 bulb
much more justifiable. When buying a bulb, look for the .cm size, and suddenly,
those prices will begin to make sense. Sure you can buy an $8.99 bulb, as I did
last week that is 30+cm, but they are hard to find. ( thanks Wegmans!).

The Business of Amaryllis
business. The largest wholesale amaryllis growers are in the Netherlands, yet
some growers are in New Zealand, Israel and Peru. Just to give you an example
of the size of the agribusiness
side of amaryllis -since 1999, the top ten Israeli growers supplies only 6%
of the global demand for amaryllis for the Christmas Season, and that is about
30 million bulbs, annually. ( from the Dutch floriculture industry report on
Propagating Amaryllis
today, most are grown via micropropagation – tissue culture, as it is far more
practical than raising new plants from seed. If you have seed set on your
amaryllis, you can certainly try, but it is a futile venture. Amaryllis seed is
notoriously fussy and it has a low rate of germination, even for the experts. So
if you have seed, one or two may germinate, but considering the time it will
take for you to grow-on the seedlings, the complex nutrition required and the
light quality – basically, anyone who is telling you that you can grow your
amaryllis from seed is terribly amateurish.
they are breeding for new varieties, or when they are looking for variation.
The rest? We can thank some scientist for the creation of ’tissue culture’ -a method of starting millions of plants in a
laboratory from cells ensures perfection, and supplies us with the multiple
clones of a specific selection – i.e. named varieties that you see in catalogs.
like an onion, and try to attempt basal plate propagation as I do when I bulb
chip nerine, but really – it’s just not worth it, as rot, the time required for
proper growth to blooming size. I rather buy my bulbs.
How to get your Amaryllis to rebloom
have done it, but it does have its downside), here is my best advice:
success, you will need to plan on not just growing your bulb, but on
cultivating it. Plants are living things, which require proper care based on
sound, horticultural science. So
plan on finding the proper nutrients ( low nitrogen, high phos.and pot), the
proper micro nutrients, the right amount of sunlight and day length, and the
best soil medium you can provide. Amaryllis prefer a porous, faster draining soil, with some organic matter, but perhaps
with more perlite or gravel than one may think that they need.
Amaryllis require a soil pH of 6.5,
which makes the idea of growing them in pure peat or coir as they commercial
distributors often supply with your bulb, absurd. Find a good, balanced
professional potting mix, and add 30% gravel or perlite to lighten the mix,
along with dolomitic limestone. One potted, your amaryllis should not need
repotting for 3 years in this soil, which it will appreciate, for as I
mentioned earlier, amaryllis dislike anyone touching their roots, let alone
cutting them off.
Starting your own Amaryllis from seed
is a bit of a silly idea for most people to attempt. It is best left to the inexperienced amateur gardeners, and some bloggers who I found who somehow,
love to post about their ‘unbelievable ease in both pollinating and raising
their own amaryllis’ ( I know, right?). Let’s be sensible. However, your amaryllis may set seed, but the odds are not in your favor , as your seed will be mostly sterile.
our gardens, and some even form large clumps,. They aren’t that tough to grow.”
types” the ones you are most likely talking about) are forms developed by a
Dr. Mead decades ago in Florida. These old varieties are more likely to come
‘true from seed’ , but they are nothing like the large Dutch varieties which
most people want in their homes during the Holidays. Oh, and if you have seeds
of these, please share.
bulbs, and this is a serious one. Amaryllis are highly prone to Virus’ and fungus will get them if your
aggressive watering talents don’t.
virus and a nasty fungus called ‘Red Blotch” (Stagonospora curtissi). There is
almost no avoiding it, eventually. You may even have seen this disease already,
but thought that it was some weird scratchy scar on a stem – it’s rather
harmless if you are disposing of the plant, but it will most certainly
interfere with any dormant flower buds for next year, as the fungus is spread
throughout the bulb scales and foliage. It is for this single reason, that I
dispose of most of my bulbs every year after they bloom.
even to fold over under their own weight and break. Those red scabs are so common
on amaryllis, that growers call it damn ‘Red blotch” . It is the bain of all
commercial houses who breed and grow amaryllis, and staff must wear protective
clothing, booties, hose-downs and all bulbs are dipped in fungicide annually.
The fungus, called Stagonospora
curtisii is omnipresent in the clan – harmless to us, but sadly, it’s the AIDS
in the world of amaryllis.
the ugly part – you would need to drench your bulbs in fungicide too but who wants to do that. A one half hour soak is required, as the
chemical must be absorbed systemically, and not any fungicide will do, you must
use a fungicide called Benlate™ according to amaryllis growers in the Netherlands ( Benlate is no longer sold it the US) ( and one cannot use Captan as it does not work as well as Benlate). What ever this all means, I would advise that one handle bulbs carefully and wash ones hands as surely wholesale growers have used some sort of fungicide. Don’t assume that your bulbs are clean,
for most bulbs already have been exposed to Stagonospora and a dip in some fungicide most likely has occured.
easy for most people to do, but the science doesn’t lie when it comes to
floriculture. Anyone who tells you to not worry about fungus and virus’ when it
comes to amaryllis growing clearly has not grown amaryllis for profit.
Sizes of amaryllis from major retailers:
30-32 cm
Wow, extensive Matt. Fantastic info. I'm sharing it everywhere because you're so right, amaryllis bulbs must be big. That's the best ones. I bought several this year, and I'm embarrassed to say, i am growing two in bulb vases. However, all the rest are in soil. I do grow some of the other bulbs, like hyacinths, in pebbles. Amaryllis need room to stretch their roots. Can't wait to see yours. I'll take pics of mine soon when they bloom.~~Dee
Thanks Dee! Hey, no problem growing them in vases if you are going to dispose of them, right? I still may grow some this way ( for the Holiday display, but not with expensive bulbs!). Besides, here in New England, it might be our cold in December that makes them more difficult in water. Hope all is super for you in OK – miss ya!
Hi Matt–
Good article, as always. But let me disagree with you on one point. I always carry over my amaryllis bulb, which is descended from one that some child gave to either my aunt or my mother, perhaps 10 years ago. It flowers every year.
I don't like throwing away bulbs–it's downright unhorticultural. And so for years when I rescued an amaryllis, I would try to carry them over into the next year. Sometimes I succeeded for a year or two, but the bulbs generally expired after a few years.
Then, a friend told me the secret: keep them inside until the end of June. I'm in Ithaca; any amaryllis put outside earlier will be attacked by onion maggot, hollowed out, and turned to mush.
I've been keeping them indoors till June for a number of years now, and my original single bulb has 7 offsets, most of which produce at least one spike every year. I've never divided them, so I sometimes have a pot with 6 flower stems at once. It's just a plain old cherry red cultivar, but it's still pretty impressive.
I've never used a fungicide, but perhaps I'll start. My routine is simple: from June until October, I grow it outside, in good sun (having slowly accustomed it to sun after months in the relative dark in the house). When the leaves begin to yellow, I put it in the basement (temp in the 50s) and leave it bone dry for 3 or 4 months. Then I bring it into warmth and sun in a window and start to water and fertilize a bit. I get flowers usually in February or March. Once they're done, the plant puts out more leaves, and isn't much to look at for a few months. Then back outside July 1 or so.
If I were going to start over, I'd choose one of the spectacular new cultivars and plan on keeping it going for decades. Or maybe buy 6 or 8 bulbs, put them in my biggest pot, and let them produce offsets until I had a plant with 20 flowering stems in February. Now that would be a show.
Thanks Daniel,
I wonder if your red variety is an older form? I have had some luck keeping a few over, but the results re often not impressive. I agree with your note about the onion maggot, or narcissus fly – I keep all of my amaryllids under glass until late June for the same reason – I've lost far too many Cyrtanthis this way.
Hi. I live in Boston and do just as Daniel does. Bring them outside in summer and fall. I get blooms in Feb/March. I prefer having blooms in late Winter when I'm desperate for signs of spring! I have a "Red Lion" that I got in Target years ago that does great and has produced lots of offsets. Some bulbs I've gotten in the past couple of years haven't done so well. I've noticed the "Red Blotch" on them. It never occurred to me that it was a fungus. That could explain why the newer ones haven't flowered.
Your post should be required reading for everybody who 'forces' in vases of water. and anyone else who wants to buy and grow off an Amaryllis.
Now I don't feel bad that I could never get an Amaryllis to bloom for Christmas. Heck, the last one I bought wouldn't even go dormant for a year. By the way, I stopped by because Dee mentioned you had a good post on Amaryllis.
Thanks kathy! I hope your talk went well at the Cornell NARGS meeting! Sorry that I missed it. Isn't that Dee a doll? A Dee Doll…..hmm, I do work in girls toys at Hasbro…maybe…
Hello Matt,
The statement "native to the Cape of South Africa" does not apply to the plants with the common name "amaryllis" and which are the subject of your article. The plants in your article are in the genus Hippeastrum and they occur only in the New World in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. The amaryllis native to the Cape of South Africa is Amaryllis belladonna and has the common name of "naked ladies" or "belladonna-lily." I know this is confusing but the plant whose scientific name is Amaryllis belladonna is not the flowering bulb with the common name "amaryllis." And the plants with the common name of "amaryllis" are not in the South African genus Amaryllis, but rather, in the New World genus Hippeastrum. See the Wikipedia entries for "Amaryllis" and "Hippeastrum" for further details.
The statement "Amaryllis are designed to go ‘dormant’ once the winter rains pass, and the bone dry summer arrives" applies to the South African Amaryllis belladonna. The New World Hippeastrum species and hybrids, which are the subject of your article, come from extremely diverse habitats but none of the species, or hybrids derived from those species, that are the topic of your article are winter growers that are dormant for half the year during a bone dry summer.
Thank you! I wanted this answer. I was getting confused when I was looking up Amaryllis. Some websites write that they are the same plant.
Thanks Anon: Wow, I wonder why I always believed that Hippeastrum were from SA? My bad. Just shows you why I really should take more time researching such things!. Thanks for the correction. I will post a new story correcting much of this. Now, it makes much more sense to me, why the South American growers are having luck growing Hippeastrum commercially. I think I made a huge, and incorrect assumption, as I grow other amaryllis such as Nerine, which do come from South Africa.
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Hi! My name is Shirley and I Just came across this article. I have about 300 Amaryllis now. Grown as a hobby. I have a cool basement where they rest from Oct. to March. I have had some die and this may be the reason as I never applied fungicide. I read that we should use benlate as a fungicide. Benlate has been discontinued since 2001. DuPont Co. said " It was stopping sales of its controversial fungicide Benlate, which has been at the center of hundreds of lawsuits and cost the company more than $1 billion in litigation expenses. DuPont, the nation's largest chemical company, said the move to stop selling the fungicide by the end of the year was not a product recall but a "voluntary business decision" based on financial and legal problems associated with Benlate. It also plans to stop making Benomyl, an active ingredient in Benlate, it said in a prepared statement. Since the early '90s, DuPont has spent or accrued $1.3 billion pretax in litigation and other costs relating to the fungicide, while settling hundreds of cases in which plaintiffs alleged that it was contaminated, killing and damaging crops. DuPont stopped selling one form of Benlate in the early '90s, but other forms of it remain on sale". Which form of Benlate should we use? Any problem with obtaining it? I would like to start using some sort of fungicide to prevent rotting and early death of the bulb. Also, I believe some new hybrid varieties rot more easily and have more problems. One of these bulbs is "FANTASY". 2 died of this rotting. Great article! Going to save this! Thanks!
Hi Shirley – wow, that's an impressive amount of amaryllis! Thanks so much for opening my eyes about Benlate and Benomyl. I was not aware of it being taken off of the market, nor of the risks involved. Clearly, my sources for advice are outdated suddenly. Thanks for sharing this.
This was a great article! But I too keep my bulbs from year to year. I keep them in the house, but plant them outside in good soil in the summer, and they seem to re-bloom just fine. I have had no difficulty in bringing them to seed – I really enjoy crossing them with other colors. Just made a Picote x Naranja cross, and about 90% of the seeds germinated. Problem is, it will take 3 years to see the flower, so I do understand your reluctance to start from seed! Have you ever heard of soaking rotting bulbs in 3% peroxide? I did that to one rotting bulb that had red spots on it. Cut out the rotting and red places first, then soaked the rest of the bulb for about 30 minutes. That was over a year ago and the bulb is thriving. Maybe I just got lucky, or maybe it was the peroxide, I don't know.
My mom loves getting amaryllises as gifts. They are just in the generic pots that are picked up at the grocery store (unless I buy her nicer ones). Once they are done for the season, she plants them in the backyard. This is fine because she lives in the Houston area and, sometimes, they pop back up and bloom again. She doesn't give them any special attention outdoors, its survival of the fittest.
My mom loves getting amaryllises as gifts. They are just in the generic pots that are picked up at the grocery store (unless I buy her nicer ones). Once they are done for the season, she plants them in the backyard. This is fine because she lives in the Houston area and, sometimes, they pop back up and bloom again. She doesn't give them any special attention outdoors, its survival of the fittest.