If you’re a user of Google Reader you probably know by now that Google has decided to shut down the service as of July 1, 2013. Many people, myself included, use Google Reader on a daily basis and have found it to be the best RSS reader available. Sadly (or not), it’s all changing.
This post is simply to inform all of my great readers that starting this Thursday, I will be switching from Google Reader to Feedly. I’m not really a geeky type, so I am assuming that many of you are not either. Hopefully all will go smoothly. All this means is that if you get my posts sent to you in an RSS feed, most likely you are using Google Reader. If you are, then you will need to change to another reader, and will need to relink my site.
If you use Feedly or one of the many other readers, you will need to make minor adjustments.
Any questions, or concerns, this article will help you find options.
This is helpful too. Social Media Today – How to Transition from Google Reader to Feedly
If you just access my blog in your bookmarks, or saved the URL somewhere, nothing will change. This only affects the 1500 Google Reader fans that I have.