Comments on: December Greenhouse Tour Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:06:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aleuticum Mon, 31 Dec 2012 01:22:33 +0000 #comment-2784 Matt, you garden with the stamina of farmer, no wonder you need big boots.

By: jc Sun, 30 Dec 2012 21:14:40 +0000 #comment-2783 I have no greenhouse, just a couple of workable windows to over winter in. That said, I do know your pain in that I look at that dracena, haworthia, or all those agave pups (that are now full on dogs) and wonder why. 10 years? that Clivia is pushing 15 years only blooming twice, and those seed raised oranges that will never bloom.
But I keep them, embrace them, and they thrive. Now I know that if I had greenhouse that this "problem" would be multifold, with a heating bill.
Oh well, time to go back to shovelling, then find room by the windows for 2 rosemaries and 8 more agaves: we are getting the big freeze tonight in Cranston RI. oof.

By: Unknown Sat, 29 Dec 2012 13:31:35 +0000 #comment-2782 Well you are clearly still passionate about your collection if you have created such a detailed and informative post! Great work.

By: Anonymous Fri, 28 Dec 2012 03:36:44 +0000 #comment-2781 Pleased you are well and able to return to your pottering about this winter, Your posts are very focused and I like that. It is so easy to amass unsuitable collections. I do admire your devotion to the old timers in your green house. I hope to sit down and write a list reference Matt's posts before I buy any more seeds or plants. Cheers!

By: An Urban Cottage Fri, 28 Dec 2012 03:17:59 +0000 #comment-2780 These are all sights for sore eyes on a wintry day. I can almost feel the humidity.

Any winter bulb suggestions for us urban dwellers who don't have greenhouses?

By: Matt Mattus Fri, 28 Dec 2012 00:44:39 +0000 #comment-2779 LOL. Right, OK. Maybe I should try and take a bite out of that lemon – for authenticity! As for scented Cyclamen – I know! I love that nutmeg smell some of the florist varieties have. I once had a women blast me at a garden center for sniffing each one. She told me that Cyclamen had no scent.

By: Jean Campbell Fri, 28 Dec 2012 00:27:24 +0000 #comment-2778 Definitely worth the expense and bother as long as you find joy.

I always look for the little common white cyclamen with the big fragrance among florists' cyclamen.

By: Susan INPH Fri, 28 Dec 2012 00:20:18 +0000 #comment-2777 I dare you to take a bite out that giant lemon. And take pics.
