Comments on: …and there shall be peace Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:07:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Louis Fri, 21 Dec 2012 22:32:28 +0000 #comment-2803 I think some had an ice storm. lol Didn't seem to brother the birds.

By: Fritz Fri, 21 Dec 2012 00:59:46 +0000 #comment-2802 Beautiful photo of T. smithii! I love tropaeolum, their flowers are so cheery.

By: Anonymous Thu, 20 Dec 2012 12:09:32 +0000 #comment-2801 Here's hoping that all three of you are well in time for Christmas. Even far away in North Vancouver, we feel bereft at the senseless loss of young life in Newtown, and watch cautiously and hope for positive change to emerge from the tragedy.

By: Anonymous Thu, 20 Dec 2012 02:50:12 +0000 #comment-2800 So sorry to hear of your family's ill health. I know the worry for your dad. My dad lived with me until he was 100. Try to get as much help as you can to come into the home. Medicare covers a lot! Both you & Joe take care. I knew something was up because you haven't had an entry on blog. Merry Christmas. Cathy in Utah
