Comments on: Plant Collectors – Order These Now, or Wait Another Ten Years Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:11:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bell and Star Wed, 12 Sep 2012 00:51:49 +0000 #comment-2971 Love that Rhododendron 'Cinnkeys'–off to my Home Depot to pick up a few!

By: Matt Mattus Tue, 11 Sep 2012 19:04:41 +0000 #comment-2970 Val, I used to this this too, but we host many well known British garden authorities at our home while on speak tours, and I was so surprised to hear the same complaint from them. Most complain that here in the US, that we have access to far more plant material that is interesting than they do. It's hard for me to see that from my perspective, since I prefer alpines and rare bulbs, and the UK seems to have the market on that, but for perennials, others may feel otherwise. That said, this Agapanthus is only available in Australia, so I am not sure what specific plant you were referring to.

By: Val Tue, 11 Sep 2012 08:01:16 +0000 #comment-2969 Why do all(almost all) the best plants go to Britain before the States get them. I get so sick of it! Sometimes we never see them here.

By: Matt Mattus Mon, 10 Sep 2012 16:00:30 +0000 #comment-2968 Oh Danger Garden, you make me laugh! Of course, we in the East like to dream about your nurseries full of treasures ( which they area). I have so much family in the Vancouver, WA area, that I should relocate there, if only to garden.

By: danger garden Mon, 10 Sep 2012 09:28:15 +0000 #comment-2967 Oh for sure! I've seen those Rhododendrons at Home Depot out here in Oregon 50 or 60 times, yawn….

(actually I think our big box stores are just as pathetic as the rest of the countries' if not more so)
