Comments on: The worlds most watched bouquet – the 2012 London Olympic’s Victory Bouquet Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:15:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: veronica Mon, 30 Jul 2012 05:02:49 +0000 #comment-3099 Thanks for this informative piece. The bouquet kind of grows on you just cos of its simplicity but combined with the explanation it all makes sense. Love the inclusion of the wheat, herbs and lavender!

By: Matt Mattus Sun, 29 Jul 2012 07:13:38 +0000 #comment-3098 Thanks all, I know. Now that I've seen the opening ceremonies, the wheat makes so much more sense.

By: hopflower Fri, 27 Jul 2012 04:10:07 +0000 #comment-3097 Our green houses in California are empty now as well. We have to buy our roses from Columbia and other South American countries. Meanwhile,they get sick from pesticides, and we have fewer jobs.

By: Cynthia Thu, 26 Jul 2012 20:09:11 +0000 #comment-3096 A remarkable story behind the bouquet. It is beautiful, and now that I know the meaning, it is even more so. How sad about the floriculture industry in the UK. . .And, the U.S.(?) Did not realize that. Very interesting and informative article, Matt. Thank you for posting (and doing the research!)

By: hopflower Thu, 26 Jul 2012 19:50:22 +0000 #comment-3095 Unfortunately, even though Holland is so close, their flowers in many ways are inferior to British ones. Mass produced; although they have contributed greatly to the horticultural world, indeed. The quality in some varieties, is not always there. Since the games are hosted in London, only British flowers and herbs would do. That makes sense.
