Here is an arrangement for all of my fabulous followers who so kindly invited me to Pinterest. Thanks so much! So for you, I made this – A selection of heart-shaped leaves and petals from my greenhouse on an cold, overcast and snowy, winter day outside of Boston.

- Cyclamen graecum leaf, on reverse side
- Clivia x Interspecific – cross between C. miniata and C. caulescens ( three color versions shown), all from Mr. Nakamura in Japan.
- Hardenbergia violacea – old fashioned greenhouse vine, a winter-bloomer for cold greenhouses from Australia with brilliant blue-violet pea-like flowers in wintertime.
- A petal from a variegated Camellia.
- Muscari macrocarpum ‘Golden Fragrance’ – a fragrant, chartreuse Muscari, or grape hyacinth.
- Cyclamen hederifolium ‘Silver Ghost’ – a cyclamen with an all silver leaf.
- Westringia rosemarifolia – it looks like Rosemary, but it’s not. Easy-to-train as topiary or as a clipped dome-shaped greenhouse shrub.
- Stenomesson piercii – a rare Equadorian bulb, with greenish-yellow bell shaped blossoms.
- Camellia – a rose form
- Cyclamen hederifolium – the ivy-leaved Cyclamen.
- Cyclamen graecum (with a camellia sasanqua petal on it) two, heart shaped objects, the cyclamen leaf has a burgundy back-side, so I displayed it upside down.
- Camellia japnica ‘Lipstick’ – an anemone-flowered form.
- Rhododendron – Vireya ‘Valentines day’, a tropical rhododendron from Borneo
- Nerine undulata – a pink, graceful species of Nerine, a tiny bulb in the Amaryllis family, which is easier to grow than other species, and a winter-bloomer.
Lovely photo! You obviously had a creative flair…
Beautiful! Thanks for starting my Sunday morning with this.