This past week and weekend we spend time at a series of Dog Shows in Pennsylvania, where Lydia, our one year old Irish Terrier was entered in various American Bred classes at a National level. Her handlers ( and agent – Liddy bug is very fancy, I guess) thought that getting her used to competing at this level would be good. We didn’t expect much, but she did win her class and age group nationally. Margaret, who we lost last month, won at the Montgomery County Kennel Club show six years ago, and even though Liddy is her niece, we doubt that she would ever place that high.

Dog shows are funny things, I am not really that interested in the whole thing, but Joe is, so I tolerate it. The people that we see every year are really why I go, dog breed clubs are very similar to plant societies, the only difference is that the dogs can come stay with you at the hotel, which, with Irish Terriers, can be a bit crazy. Fergus stayed with us in the room, but Lydia stayed with her handlers off site so that she could focus. She has been traveling across the East Coast the past month, so it was nice to see her here, since this marked the end of the season. That meant that she would be coming home with us.

Liddy was looking very proper (even though she jumped on the judge and left two paw prints on her butt). She still placed first in her class on Saturday.

Lydia was acting very cute, even the judge smiled a little.

At the Devon show Friday, In the final line-up, Lydia ( third from the left) was looking great, posing for the crowd.

I feel that the best thing about dog shows are the people, and how they are dressed. I always want to take lots of pictures of the crazy terrier people in kilts, tweed and plaid, but always chicken out.
I'm new at being crazy for Terriers. I adopted an Airedale in July, and he's a darling. I love the picture of the guy in tartan! Enjoyed your post.