Comments on: A Vist to Longwood Gardens Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:26:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Mon, 17 Oct 2011 01:38:35 +0000 #comment-3659 The Carypoteris allee seemed so much nicer a few years ago when they had pure white rose of sharon instead of the hydrangea trees. Still nice though! I kind of had the same feelings about the plants there…the greenhouses had a few amazing plants but so many of them were just kind of…normal? The most amazing thing was visiting all the different Orchid houses in back, they have thousands that never actually make it out on the floor (which really makes me wonder why they have them at all). The rose house there was the absolute worst but they seem to only be keeping it for it's history so I guess I'll give them that.

By: An Urban Cottage Wed, 12 Oct 2011 01:39:24 +0000 #comment-3658 Very cool place! Can't wait to see what the chrysanthemums are being trained to do.
