Comments on: Harvest Time – Canning Heirloom Tomatoes Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:27:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hanna at Orchid Care Thu, 15 Sep 2011 21:09:12 +0000 #comment-3695 I have only 7 tomato plants in my back yard but they are so prolific that after the entire neighborhood enjoys them and, of course, immediate and extended families; I still have tons of tomatoes that are in danger of spoiling. For some reason I dread the thought of the canning process, so I turn my tomatoes into paste, sauce and juice. I then freeze them in plastic containers and I’m done.

By the way, Matt, I totally share your feeling toward pressure cookers. As far as I’m concerned, they are domestic bombs to be avoided.

By: Matt Mattus Thu, 15 Sep 2011 16:55:57 +0000 #comment-3694 Thanks everyone.
First, I do use the hot water bath method, not true pressure canning – I hate those things! I still have my mom's two pressure cookers in the cellar, and there they will stay – memories of explosions, mushrooms on the cieling, skin burns and all!
I hat-water bath them in an open pot of boiling water for 30 min. Tomatoes are easy, anyway. Acidic, with a little added lemon juice and a teaspoon of salt. Nothing like my moms hundreds of jars. I don't know how she did it, plus she worked full time. A lost era.
The Dilly Bean recipe is everywhere, it originated in the Ball Blue Book, I bet it is on their web site – Google it. If you cannot find it, I will post.

By: flwrjane Thu, 15 Sep 2011 05:27:45 +0000 #comment-3693 Hi, Steve sent me.

My mother was an insane canner and I,an only child, was her unwilling assistant.

But… it does have it's rewards and the beauty of your jars is just one of them.


By: Anonymous Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:27:11 +0000 #comment-3692 I can my tomatoes too. I used to can them like you do, but have switched to open-kettle like my grandma used to do. woul dlike your dilly bean recipe. Cathy

By: avocett Tue, 13 Sep 2011 10:33:39 +0000 #comment-3691 All your jars look so beautiful !
Great job !

By: Terryk Tue, 13 Sep 2011 07:04:39 +0000 #comment-3690 Loved your canning post. All the colors look so good lined up on the self.

By: Susan in the Pink Hat Tue, 13 Sep 2011 06:45:05 +0000 #comment-3689 I, too, come from a canning family and still can. I have a pile of tomatoes waiting for me tomorrow morning. My mother still brags of her record 96 quarts or peaches and pears in a single day.
