A Phalaenopsis azureus hides amongst some hydrangeas of a lesser hue. In their native habitat of Pandora, they are far more common. I was so happy to have found some of these rare plants in a greenhouse in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Sweet.

If only you could smell these P. azureus. They smell like a mixture of Vanilla scented candles, green bamboo and the scent of calla’s. In the wild, I think these grow near the glittery Poinsettia, near a waterfall with unicorns and perhaps a rainbow. Pretty.
I hope mine gets a seed pod.
soo…I am guessing that is a color NOT found in nature 🙂
Looks like they've been feeding the plant floral dye.
What a find! Looks like a great nursery, lots of interesting things.
Wasn't April Fool's day last week? This isn't fair!
Gorgeous!!! That blue is INCREDIBLE.
Saw them for sale at Home Depot today…