Mixed Cliva, most from seed that we collected in Japan from Mr. Nakamura in 2004,
are now starting to bloom in the greenhouse.
Above, a variegated Vico Yellow cross, a fragrant Vico gold x Vico Gold, and some variegated Daruma in the greenhouse. Note the size of these yellow Clivia, some flowers are 5 inches across, which is large for a yellow Clivia. We have many Clivia, perhaps 200 plants if not more if I count the seedlings that are now hardly seedlings at eight years old, but they are still in their 2 inch pots. Getting time and room to repot these always seems to get pushed to the end of the to-do list, that is, until they bloom. Then, we start to notice them.
In an ideal world, I would bloom them all, and then evaluate each one, apply a breeding number and then cross more, but it seems that that never happens. At least I can pot up the better ones ( like the variegated yellow, which is rare) and any orange bloom that is unusual. Clivia are more common now, and even yellow plants can be had for around $60.00 on-line if not for less, but when we started collecting this genus, a good yellow from Japan would be worth $400 or more. Still, some of these plants remain quite valuable since they are directly from Mr. Nakamura, (particularly the variegated yellow forms, and the scented plants). So I try to take care of the nicer plants, even though when one has 30 Clivia blooming, they just don’t seem that special anymore.
A Clivia x cyrtanthiflora group cross from Japan, now blooming. Its color seems to change daily, with younger blossoms having green tips, and more mature ones turning melon-pink. Most Cyrtanthiflora types which are generally crosses between two species ( Interspecific), bloom in the autumn or winter. This colder than normal winter seems to have held some back, and they are blooming at the same time as the C. miniata forms, which is a good opportunity to have healthy pollen with which to breed with, and not have to rely on frozen pollen that we would normally save in gel tabs in the freezer.
I so enjoyed reading your blog Clivia season arrives.
I ma new to growing this little treasure.
I inherited a year ago my 1 and only Clivia its grown many new leaves but no flowers.
I have no idea how old the plant is ?
How long do they take to make blooms?