Crocus sieberi ‘tricolor’
The coral-bark Maple, has branches that virtually glow in the dull landscape of March.
A golden needled pine. It’s at its brightest yellow in the early spring.
A Japanese Maple trunk, with olive toned bark.
In the greenhouse, a scented geranium that was wintered over for a friend, enjoys the warm sunshine as it initiates more growth.
Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha, a lovely species tulip forced in the greenhouse.
A fuzzy rosette of an Androsace species, a high elevation alpine growing in one of the alpine troughs.
The afore mentioned yellow Muscari, upon closer inspection, has this strange black shape at the end of its flower, like a black mod flower made of black rubber.
A dwarf rock garden peony, emerging after a winters rest. It’s ferny foliage will soon unfurl.