A collection of potted of small bulbs brings winter interest to a cold greenhouse, as the snow begins to fall outside.
There are so many pots of small alpine bulbs and South African bulbs blooming in the greenhouse right now, that I assembled some of them into a ‘group shot’, and it’s amazing to see how much color there really is, just a 1/8th inch of glass away from the freezing temperatures and snow outside. The scent is incredible, especially from the Viola odorata and the Hyacinthella. The species crocus continue to bloom, as well as some of the Oxalis species. As you can see, the Cyclamen coum, the tiny bright pink Cyclamen you can see above, is just starting its season. Almost hardy enough for culture outdoors here in Zone 5, I dare try it, as I prefer to enjoy them under glass.

Above, you can see Nerine undulata, the tall pink nerine in the upper left, there are two Cyclamen species, in the rear, a wild form of C. persicum, and in the front, the bright pink of C. coum. Some Lachenalia species and hybrids are just beginning to open, by next week there will be posts on Lachenalia. Add old fashioned scented violets ( lower right), so brilliant orange and yellow Oxalis obtusa ( center) and pots and pots of species crocus, and my winter garden begins to take shape.

How wonderful… I used to have an all season greenhouse and I really do miss it…. so many lovely things in yours… thank you for sharing! Larry
Do you do tours of the greenhouse? If so how do I sign up? All kidding aside, even just a photo tour is great to view as the snow falls again. Any chance of a video of the glasshouse with everything in bloom?