Comments on: Plant Society Sneak Peak Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:40:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terryk Sun, 21 Nov 2010 23:56:41 +0000 #comment-4182 Matt, is the current issue out?

By: Tyler Tue, 26 Oct 2010 19:51:48 +0000 #comment-4181 Me again. Just making sure you don't miss my question about your "Lachenelia" article title font. What is the font called? I must know!

By: Matt Mattus Mon, 25 Oct 2010 03:18:46 +0000 #comment-4180 Thanks Anonymous.
Yes this Mac has a spell check feature, but I run the document when near final, through Adobe InDesign, which is what the document is created in. When I create designs ( like the bulb images( I rush to complete it since it is usually me staying late after work, and trying fast to see what something might look like. SO my eyes are looking at colors, or forms rather then spelling. I woulnd't say that I am lazy, rather, too rushed and although my intentions would be to check spelling at some point, I usually am just trying to think what article might go where, and what image might work and where I can find it. It's an huge task for one person with a full time job, and honestly, I probably should not be doing it at all since readers expect and deserve better quality. I really need sit quietly alone before releasing this a look at every detail.

So thanks for spotting those, for that one may have not been caught so early, since the letter forms are hand drawn and not fonts. Articles are spell checked in Word first, but still, many words sneak through. I know that I am a terrible speller and proofreader for that matter, but I a trying harder to be better. I appreciate your help, but do know that these screen captures will have MANY errors, for they are literally screen carptures of the pages as they are still being worked on, there are many errors, in fact, each page will have many errors since I just changed the entire document grid, and now need to go back through 100 pages and align everything first, then design the perfect type headers, the perfect spread colors, and then, go back and color correct each images resaving it from the RGB form which it is in now, to a CMYK version as a jpeg, and adjust the color in each shot. Then, I go back and write captions for each shot, and last, I run the Adobe InDesign spell check through the entire document, but even that will no catch everything, especially latin. With a half hour during lunch during my lunch break, and perhaps a half hour in the morning before I go to work, and maybe a Sunday afternoon if it is raining, I have little time to even think about the entire project, but hopefully, I will get to a place where I could hire a proofreader, and a production person to help with the productions, for I agree, there is nothing as annoying as typos in any project once it is completed.

Anyway, thanks 'R'!

By: Anonymous Mon, 25 Oct 2010 02:53:55 +0000 #comment-4179 I hope you fix the spelling on 'albucca' and 'dafodil' and 'iphion' and 'urginia' before going to press. Did I miss any?

'Wreathes' 'Hasrbo'–not in the magazine, but still distracting.

And get rid of the apostrophes in plurals (Lachenalia's, Camellia's).

Oops, there's another one: 'Coinnoisseur'.

Doesn't that Mac have a spell checker?


By: Tyler Davis Fri, 22 Oct 2010 22:19:06 +0000 #comment-4178 Beautiful work. I didn't realize that Lachenalia had such beautiful flowers. I purchased one at a succulent show and sale this spring (for the interesting foliage) so I'm looking forward to seeing it spike with flowers when it matures.

On a side note, I LOVE the font you used for the title of the Lachenalia article – so Victorian! What is the font called?

By: Terryk Fri, 22 Oct 2010 06:11:28 +0000 #comment-4177 I can't wait for the next issue. It looks great.

By: flwrjane Fri, 22 Oct 2010 05:19:10 +0000 #comment-4176 Beautiful. Finally a reason to look forward to November.

