Comments on: The New Impatiens Nation Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:48:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Phil Wed, 11 May 2011 20:08:29 +0000 #comment-4437 I was so impressed with your blog that I have become a follower. I am a landscaper near Portland, Oregon and have narrowed my plant passions, to only grow hardy species in the ground. I have several Impatiens that I have found are successful. I am now growing tinctoria. I really enjoy following individuals like you that expand my understanding of particular genus of plants. Peace.

By: Cassi Wed, 27 Apr 2011 09:59:14 +0000 #comment-4436 Wow, these are beautiful! I as looking at impatiens online as I've never grown them before. Most of what I saw were pretty, but the ones on your blog are WOW. I don't think I can get 'plain' impatiens, now!

By: Terryk Sat, 10 Apr 2010 16:37:19 +0000 #comment-4435 Wow! They sure are different, thanks for sharing the info. I like Impatiens campanulata but must say Impatiens apalophylla looks like it should be on top of the head of someone in Rio at Carnival time!
