Comments on: Plants by Mail – Do you get what you pay for? Horticulturist Matt Mattus shares gardening expertise, research and science from his home garden and greenhouse. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:57:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Mattus Mon, 15 Mar 2010 16:46:00 +0000 #comment-4820 Thank you for your comment.
I think you are right, I did come off as a douchebag in the post. But it was not my intention, but I did get a little ticked off becuase nothing gets me more hot than educated people making decisiong like amateurs. We live in such a fast society, that it is too easy ot just rush into something and not think about it. We might buy a teflon pan, and never think, or care, about the consequences, or, we might but invest in a tree, but order it at great cost from a source that will untimately just rip us off.

THis case is different. WE sit next to each other every day, and it was a bit of a joke that she ordered something from Spring Hill, when I could have handed her a list of small, local nurseries that are breeding stronger, better cultivars for less cost. But there are plenty of people like here, I'm afraid, and who is going to help them? I mean, I saw for a moment this weekend, some guy pitching plants on the Home shopping Network. He was saying 'And they'll bloom all summer and will reaseed" The plant was a German Bearded Iris, and I am sure that hundreds of customers will buy them, all misslead. If you are OK with that behavior? Than why do I bother.
We who read this blog are plant lovers, It's not about the cost, but sometimes, good quality comes at a cost. Sometimes bad quality comes at a cost. In the end, my customer peeked into my office and laughed showing me the dried twigs she recieved. ANd for half the cost, she could have have two nice vintage well grown, stocky varieties from the 18th C. What's so snobbish about that?
As for 'snob….yeah, I might be, But a more accurate definition might be coinnoisseur, I respect mastery, and at the same time, I like random beauty, Nature is Mastery, Spring Hill Catalog, is not about mastery. It's about missleading customers.

By: Anonymous Mon, 15 Mar 2010 08:45:22 +0000 #comment-4819 wow! you ARE a snob!
yeesh. i bet she wont enjoy gardening anymore! Great job, humiliating someone for getting their hands in the dirt. because gardening should only be for folks who can afford more and enjoy humiliating others publicly, like you. Yeah!
you're a douchebag.

By: Anonymous Sat, 02 May 2009 17:05:00 +0000 #comment-4818 OK, so this is Michele with ONE L.

I hope you enjoyed your 2 days off. I hope the weird weather vortex over Worchester isn’t making more rain there than here and your garden tours go well.

Meanwhile, my psycho-neighbor’s bamboo is shooting up all over my yard and wreaking havoc on the Yankee cobblestones, upending them like mini earthquake victims and even causing the vintage tub filled with soil to shift! HELP!

Also, my vintage lilac is beginning to bloom. Michelle-2-L is still blushing over her faux-pas as evidenced in a door-way conversation with Val on Friday.

Isn’t there a place in the world for the simple joy of planting and making mistakes? Suppose it’s the journey of doing yourself and aquiring knowledge first-hand that allows us to get to a place of being more knowledgeable instead of relying on experts and the internet? I think there may be some charm in naivete, some authenticity of pride in figuring it out on your own. 🙂 But seriously, I need some heirloom tomatoes and any other cast-offs like the hosta. Wait…isn’t there something up there about “disposable nature”???? Did you see the documentary about the naive gardner who created an amazing garden somewhere in South Carolina using cast-offs from local nurseries? It was on Ovation. He regularly goes through the junkheaps and grabs mis-shapen and half-dead “unsellable” plants and turns them into living art. No training. Just love and trial by doing. I’ll research and send.

See you Monday.

By: Brian David Morley Mon, 27 Apr 2009 19:17:00 +0000 #comment-4817 Matt,Syringa Plus nursery is great, also Fox Hill lilacs is very good as well…all on their own roots.
